Coverage for stlog/ 87%
139 statements
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1from __future__ import annotations
3import inspect
4import json
5import numbers
6import os
7import re
8import string
9import types
10from dataclasses import dataclass, field
11from string import Template
12from typing import Any, Callable, Match
14STLOG_EXTRA_KEY = "_stlog_extra"
17 from rich.traceback import Traceback
20except ImportError:
21 pass
24TRUE_VALUES = ("1", "true", "yes")
25FALSE_VALUES = ("0", "false", "no")
27 string.ascii_letters + string.digits + ",-.@_~:"
31class StlogError(Exception):
32 pass
36class GlobalLoggingConfig:
37 setup: bool = False
38 program_name: str = field(
39 default_factory=lambda: os.path.basename(inspect.stack()[-1][1])
40 )
41 reinject_context_in_standard_logging: bool | None = None
42 read_extra_kwargs_from_standard_logging: bool | None = None
43 _unit_tests_mode: bool = (
44 os.environ.get("STLOG_UNIT_TESTS_MODE", "0").lower() in TRUE_VALUES
45 )
48GLOBAL_LOGGING_CONFIG = GlobalLoggingConfig()
50# skip natural LogRecord attributes
52# Stolen from
53RESERVED_ATTRS: tuple[str, ...] = (
54 "args",
55 "asctime",
56 "created",
57 "exc_info",
58 "exc_text",
59 "filename",
60 "funcName",
61 "levelname",
62 "levelno",
63 "lineno",
64 "module",
65 "msecs",
66 "message",
67 "msg",
68 "name",
69 "pathname",
70 "process",
71 "processName",
72 "relativeCreated",
73 "stack_info",
74 "thread",
75 "threadName",
76 "extra", # specific to stlog
77 "extras", # specific to stlog
78 STLOG_EXTRA_KEY, # specific to stlog
79 "rich_escaped_message", # specific to stlog
80 "rich_escaped_extras", # specific to stlog
81 "rich_level_style", # specific to stlog
85def check_json_types_or_raise(to_check: Any) -> None:
86 if to_check is None:
87 return
88 if not isinstance(to_check, (dict, tuple, list, bool, str, int, float, bool)):
89 raise StlogError(
90 "to_check should be a dict/tuple/list/bool/str/int/float/bool/None, found %s"
91 % type(to_check)
92 )
93 if isinstance(to_check, (list, tuple)):
94 for item in to_check:
95 check_json_types_or_raise(item)
96 elif isinstance(to_check, dict):
97 for key, value in to_check.items():
98 if not isinstance(key, str):
99 raise StlogError("dict keys should be str, found %s" % type(key))
100 check_json_types_or_raise(value)
103# Adapted from
104def logfmt_format_string(value: str) -> str:
105 needs_dquote_escaping = '"' in value
106 needs_newline_escaping = "\n" in value
107 needs_quoting = not set(value).issubset(ALLOWED_CHARS_WITHOUT_LOGFMT_QUOTING)
108 if needs_dquote_escaping:
109 value = value.replace('"', '\\"')
110 if needs_newline_escaping:
111 value = value.replace("\n", "\\n")
112 if needs_quoting:
113 value = f'"{value}"'
114 return value if value else '""'
117# Adapted from
118def logfmt_format_value(value: Any) -> str:
119 if value is None:
120 return ""
121 elif isinstance(value, bool):
122 return "true" if value else "false"
123 elif isinstance(value, numbers.Number):
124 return str(value)
125 return logfmt_format_string(str(value))
128def _get_env_json_context() -> dict[str, Any]:
129 env_key = "STLOG_ENV_JSON_CONTEXT"
130 env_context = os.environ.get(env_key, None)
131 if env_context is not None:
132 try:
133 return json.loads(env_context)
134 except Exception:
135 print(
136 f"WARNING: can't load {env_key} env var value as valid JSON => ignoring"
137 )
138 return {}
141def _get_env_context() -> dict[str, Any]:
142 prefix = "STLOG_ENV_CONTEXT_"
143 res: dict[str, Any] = {}
144 for env_key in os.environ.keys():
145 if not env_key.startswith(prefix):
146 continue
147 key = env_key[len(prefix) :].lower()
148 if not key:
149 continue
150 res[key] = os.environ[env_key]
151 return res
154def get_env_context() -> dict[str, Any]:
155 if check_env_true("STLOG_IGNORE_ENV_CONTEXT", False):
156 return {}
157 env_context = {**_get_env_context(), **_get_env_json_context()}
158 for key in env_context.keys():
159 if key in RESERVED_ATTRS:
160 raise StlogError("key: %s is not allowed (reserved key)", key)
161 if not isinstance(key, str):
162 raise StlogError("key: %s must be str", key)
163 if not key.isidentifier():
164 raise StlogError(
165 "key: %s not allowed (must be a valid python identifier)", key
166 )
167 return env_context
170def check_true(value: str | None, default: bool = False) -> bool:
171 if value is None:
172 return default
173 return value.lower() in TRUE_VALUES
176def check_false(value: str | None, default: bool = False) -> bool:
177 if value is None:
178 return default
179 return value.lower() in FALSE_VALUES
182def check_env_true(env_var: str, default: bool = False) -> bool:
183 return check_true(os.environ.get(env_var, None), default)
186def check_env_false(env_var: str, default: bool = False) -> bool:
187 return check_false(os.environ.get(env_var, None), default)
190def rich_dump_exception_on_console(
191 console: Any,
192 exc_type: type[BaseException],
193 value: BaseException,
194 tb: types.TracebackType | None,
195) -> None:
196 console.print(
197 Traceback.from_exception(
198 exc_type,
199 value,
200 tb,
201 width=100,
202 extra_lines=3,
203 theme=None,
204 word_wrap=False,
205 show_locals=True,
206 locals_max_length=10,
207 locals_max_string=80,
208 locals_hide_dunder=True,
209 locals_hide_sunder=False,
210 indent_guides=True,
211 suppress=(),
212 max_frames=100,
213 )
214 )
217_ReStringMatch = Match[str] # regex match object
218_ReSubCallable = Callable[[_ReStringMatch], str] # Callable invoked by re.sub
219_EscapeSubMethod = Callable[[_ReSubCallable, str], str] # Sub method of a compiled re
222# Stolen from
223def rich_markup_escape(
224 markup: str,
225 _escape: _EscapeSubMethod = re.compile(r"(\\*)(\[[a-z#/@][^[]*?])").sub,
226) -> str:
227 def escape_backslashes(match: Match[str]) -> str:
228 """Called by re.sub replace matches."""
229 backslashes, text = match.groups()
230 return f"{backslashes}{backslashes}\\{text}"
232 markup = _escape(escape_backslashes, markup)
233 return markup
236# Adapted from
237def parse_format(fmt: str | None, style: str) -> list[str]:
238 """
239 Parses format string looking for substitutions
241 This method is responsible for returning a list of fields (as strings)
242 to include in all log messages.
243 """
244 if not fmt:
245 return []
246 if style == "$":
247 formatter_style_pattern = re.compile(r"\$\{(.+?)\}", re.IGNORECASE)
248 elif style == "{":
249 formatter_style_pattern = re.compile(r"\{(.+?)\}", re.IGNORECASE)
250 elif style == "%":
251 formatter_style_pattern = re.compile(r"%\((.+?)\)", re.IGNORECASE)
252 else:
253 raise ValueError("Unsupported style: %s" % style)
254 return formatter_style_pattern.findall(fmt)
257def format_string(fmt: str | None, style: str, record_dict: dict[str, Any]) -> str:
258 if not fmt:
259 return ""
260 if style == "$":
261 return Template(fmt).substitute(**record_dict)
262 elif style == "{":
263 return fmt.format(**record_dict)
264 elif style == "%":
265 return fmt % record_dict
266 raise StlogError("Invalid style: %s" % style)