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79 statements
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1from __future__ import annotations
3import json
4from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
5from dataclasses import dataclass
6from typing import Any
8from stlog.base import check_env_true, logfmt_format_value
15def _truncate_str(str_value: str, limit: int = 0) -> str:
16 if limit <= 0:
17 return str_value
18 if len(str_value) > limit:
19 return str_value[0 : (limit - 3)] + "..."
20 return str_value
23def _truncate_serialize(value: Any, limit: int = 0) -> str:
24 try:
25 serialized = str(value)
26 except Exception:
27 serialized = "[can't serialize]"
28 return _truncate_str(serialized, limit)
32class KVFormatter(ABC):
33 """Abstract base class to format extras key-values.
35 Attributes:
36 value_max_serialized_length: maximum size of extra values to be included in `{extras}` placeholder
37 (after this limit, the value will be truncated and ... will be added at the end, 0 means "no limit",
38 default: 40).
40 """
42 value_max_serialized_length: int | None = None
44 def __post_init__(self):
45 if self.value_max_serialized_length is None:
46 self.value_max_serialized_length = 40
48 def _serialize_value(self, v: Any) -> str:
49 return _truncate_serialize(
50 v,
51 self.value_max_serialized_length
52 if self.value_max_serialized_length is not None
53 else 40,
54 )
56 @abstractmethod
57 def format(self, kvs: dict[str, Any]) -> str:
58 pass
62class EmptyKVFormatter(KVFormatter):
63 """Class to format extra key-values as an empty string."""
65 def format(self, kvs: dict[str, Any]) -> str:
66 return ""
69# Adapted from
71class TemplateKVFormatter(KVFormatter):
72 """Class to format extra key-values as a string with templates.
74 Example::
76 {foo="bar", foo2=123}
78 will be formatted as:
80 [foo: bar] [foo2: 123]
82 Attributes:
83 template: the template to format a key/value:
84 `{key}` placeholder is the key, `{value}` is the value
85 (default to `"{key}={value}"`)
86 separator: the separator between multiple key/values
87 prefix: the prefix before key/value parts.
88 suffix: the suffix after key/values parts.
89 ignore_compound_types: if set to False, accept compound types (dict, list) as values (they will be
90 serialized using their default string serialization method)
92 """
94 template: str | None = None
95 separator: str = ", "
96 prefix: str = " {"
97 suffix: str = "}"
98 ignore_compound_types: bool = STLOG_DEFAULT_IGNORE_COMPOUND_TYPES
100 def __post_init__(self):
101 if self.template is None:
102 self.template = "{key}={value}"
103 return super().__post_init__()
105 def format(self, kvs: dict[str, Any]) -> str:
106 res: str = ""
107 tmp: list[str] = []
108 for k, v in sorted(kvs.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
109 if self.ignore_compound_types and isinstance(v, (dict, list, set)):
110 continue
111 assert self.template is not None
112 tmp.append(self.template.format(key=k, value=self._serialize_value(v)))
113 res = self.separator.join(tmp)
114 if res != "":
115 res = self.prefix + res + self.suffix
116 return res
120class LogFmtKVFormatter(TemplateKVFormatter):
121 """Class to format extra key-values as a LogFmt string.
123 Example::
125 {foo="bar", foo2=123, foo3="string with a space"}
127 will be formatted as:
129 foo=bar, foo2=123, foo3="string with a space"
132 Note: `template` and `separator` are automatically set/forced.
134 """
136 def __post_init__(self):
137 self.separator = " "
138 if self.template is None:
139 self.template = "{key}={value}"
140 if self.value_max_serialized_length is None:
141 self.value_max_serialized_length = 0
142 return super().__post_init__()
144 def _serialize_value(self, v: Any) -> str:
145 return logfmt_format_value(super()._serialize_value(v))
149class JsonKVFormatter(KVFormatter):
150 """Class to format extra key-values as a JSON string.
152 Attributes:
153 indent: if set as a positive integer, use this number of spaces to indent the output.
154 (warning: if you use this KVFormatter
155 through a JSONFormatter, this parameter can be overriden at the Formatter level).
156 sort_keys: if True (default), sort keys (warning: if you use this KVFormatter
157 through a JSONFormatter, this parameter can be overriden at the Formatter level).
158 """
160 indent: int | None = None
161 sort_keys: bool = True
163 def __post_init__(self):
164 if self.value_max_serialized_length is None:
165 self.value_max_serialized_length = 0 # no limit
166 self.separator = " "
167 self.template = "{key}={value}"
168 return super().__post_init__()
170 def format(self, kvs: dict[str, Any]) -> str:
171 return json.dumps(
172 kvs,
173 sort_keys=self.sort_keys,
174 default=self._serialize_value,
175 indent=self.indent,
176 )